Responsibility toward employees
Focusing on people. VS understands that its employees are the vital and dependable factor behind the company's success.
For us, the need to support the emerging generation and give it the best possible career opportunities is something self-evident.
- The outstanding training provided in our industrial, technical, commercial and combined work/study courses is professional and quality-oriented. The award of the Heilbronn-Franken Chamber of Trade and Industry Dualis quality certification is ample proof of this.
- We train employees to meet our specific needs. The chances of being offered an employment contract after training or studying at VS are therefore very good.
- In addition to this in-house training, VS also cooperates in training partnerships with regional academies.
Workplace health promotion.
We do all we can to ensure the health and wellbeing of our employees.
- We offer each and every one of them an annual preventive check-up.
- Workstation design is oriented around safety-related and ergonomic considerations.
- In our canteen, we offer our employees and external visitors high-quality breakfast and lunchtime catering. The canteen sources organically grown fruit and vegetables from the company's own kitchen garden.
Employee participation.
One self-evident component of VS's corporate policy is the acknowledgment of each employee's right to participate in the company's business policies.
- We balance competence with responsibility and promote corporate thinking at every level of the hierarchy.
- Our wage and salary scale reflects our recognition of our employees' skills and performance.
When it comes to discrimination, even Germany suffers from some weak points. We are aware of these and work actively to counter them.
- For many years, the percentage of VS employees with disabilities as a proportion of the total workforce has been considerably higher than the mandatory level of five percent and the German national average of 4.1% for private-sector employers. As early as 2006, the proportion at VS was 8.3%. Currently (value at 31.12.2015) it is 10.1%.
- Our equal opportunities officer ensures that the provisions of the German Equal Opportunities Act are implemented and observed and supports management and company executives in their adherence to the corresponding regulations.
Combining family and professional life.
One important aim is to help ensure the successful balance of family and professional life.
- Since 2012, we have organized an educationally oriented full-day childcare facility for our employees' children on the company site for a period of three weeks during the summer holidays.
- We offer our employees a range of working time models. The choice includes home office as well as part time working during or after the period of parental leave.